Green Flower owns all title, copyright and all intellectual property rights in the online learning programs, related products, portals and any modifications or translations of them (“the Property”). The authorized signor acknowledges that you do not own and shall not acquire any title, copyright or any other intellectual property rights in the Property and shall not modify, translate adapt or otherwise amend the Property and shall only use them for your private educational or informational purposes in accordance with any instructions provided by Green Flower.
Except as expressly stated in the courses, any copying, distribution, transmission, or publication of the Property is strictly prohibited without the express permission of Green Flower received in writing.
Green Flower reserves the right to update, alter, suspend or discontinue any aspect of the products or site to improve the user experience.
Access to Sell SMaRT™ program ends upon users completion of the program.
Payment Terms
Licenses are active for 12 months, starting on the agreement date.
Full payment is due prior to the launch date. Any user may be refused access to the learning library if payment is outstanding.
Once payment has been received for all or part of the Enterprise license, the right of termination ceases without consent of both parties.
This Order Form is non-cancelable and non-refundable.
Customer will maintain complete and accurate billing and contact information with Green Flower Inc. and will notify Green Flower Inc. of any inaccuracies on an invoice within the 12 month period the licenses are active.
Green Flower Inc 4744 Telephone Rd Ste 3-289 Ventura, CA 93003