Medical Applications of Cannabis

Created by medical professionals for medical professionals

Product contents


Content length: 11h 51m
  1. 01. History of Medical Cannabis
    7 Lessons

    The use of cannabis for medicinal purposes dates back thousands of years. This course chronicles the history of medicinal cannabis during ancient civilizations through modern day. Major milestones of the medical cannabis timeline will be described in detail including the introduction of cannabis to Western medicine, the decline of medical marijuana usage during prohibition, as well as the re- emergence of cannabis in modern medicine. After completing this course, you will be able to:
    • Examine the earliest historical proof of medical cannabis in ancient civilizations
    • Identify reasons why the use of medicinal cannabis declined in the early 20th century
    • Explore significant scientific research on cannabis that occurred in the second half of the 20th century
    • Discuss the current resurgence of cannabis in medicine as it regains acceptance by mainstream society
    Lessons included in this course:
    • Introduction to History of Cannabis as Medicine
      An introduction to the history of cannabis use as a medicine.
    • A Brief History of Medical Cannabis
      In this video, Dr. David Bearman discusses the immediate challenges facing medicinal cannabis. He covers the earliest known timeline for cannabis in China's first known pharmacopeia, ancient uses of cannabis through the 1930s, and the beginning of the cannabis prohibition era.
    • Prohibition Propaganda
      In this video, Dr. David Bearman discusses the history of medical cannabis from the 1930s, starting with Harry Anslinger's demonization of cannabis, racism, prohibitionist propaganda through the Marijuana Tax Act, Controlled Substances Act, and the Compassionate Investigational New Drug (IND) Program.
    • Cannabis and the Law
      In this video, Dr. Bearman provides an overview of the timeline of specific laws and acts that have impacted cannabis laws in the United States.
    • Modern Medicinal Cannabis
      In this video, Dr. Bearman discusses the first modern study on the medicinal value of cannabis, Raphael Mechoulam's characterization of the structure of Delta 9 THC, and the implementation of the Federal Compassionate Access Investigational New Drug Program. He also discusses Marinol (Synthetic THC).
    • Safety from a Federal Standpoint
      In this video, Dr. Bearman discusses cannabis safety from a federal standpoint. The overview of the timeline focuses on multiple international studies on the safety of cannabis as well as the discovery of Nabixamols (Sativex).
    • States Rights and Cannabis
      Dr. Bearman discusses medical professionals' concerns over states rights and cannabis.
  2. 02. The Endocannabinoid System: Advanced
    7 Lessons

    In this course, you will explore the endocannabinoid system and the many diverse pharmaco-active compounds of cannabis with therapeutic value. Finally, a detailed description of the mechanisms of action and biologic effects of cannabinoid receptors as a key role in modern medicine is also discussed. After completing this course, you will be able to:
    • Discuss the history of medical cannabis research to assess the safety and efficacy of cannabis as a medicine
    • Explore research on the endocannabinoid system (ECS) and the different cannabinoid receptors that promote therapeutic value
    • Examine cannabis related studies that explore the safety and dangers of prescription and illicit drug use
    • Review developments into the psychoactivity and psycho-toxicity of medicinal cannabis
    Lessons included in this course:
    • Intro for The Endocannabinoid System
      An introduction to the endocannabinoid system.
    • Brief History
      In this video, Dr. Joseph Morgan discusses a short history of cannabis and mainstream medicine, and the double-blind, placebo-controlled crossover.
    • Safety and Dangers
      In this video, Dr. Morgan compares cannabis to other commonly used drugs.
    • The Endocannabinoid System
      In this video, Dr. Morgan discusses ECS key concepts, endocannabinoids, their receptors, precursors, key enzymes and metabolites. He also touches on Endo vs Phytocannabinoids vs synthetics, cannabinoid receptor agonists/antagonists, entourage effects, genetic variants, endocannabinoid deficiency syndromes, and downregulation/tolerance.
    • ECS Summary
      Dr. Morgan explains how the ECS is essential because of its interaction with so many systems in our bodies and why it is important in protection of the human body.
    • Medical vs Recreational Cannabis
      In this video, Dr. Morgan discusses the difference between medicinal cannabis vs recreational use cannabis.
    • Psychoactivity vs Psychotoxicity
      In this video, Dr. Morgan defines and explores psychoactivity vs psychotoxicity.
  3. 03. Cannabis Routes of Administration
    6 Lessons

    In this course, you will develop the necessary skills to confidently assess and advise patients regarding the suitability of cannabis based on dosage, different consumption methods, and potential side effects. Finally, you will learn about cannabis dosing and administration to maximize therapeutic potential in patient care. After completing this course, you will be able to:
    • Identify cannabis consumption methods and route of administration for medical patients
    • Analyze differences in onset and duration times depending on route of cannabis administration
    • Learn dosing and administration routes to optimize patient outcomes
    • Know how to advise patient care and counsel on how to self-titrate
    Lessons included in this course:
    • Intro to Routes of Administration
      An introduction to routes of administration.
    • Inhaled Cannabis
      In this video, Martha Montemayor, CNC, discusses the most common route of administering cannabis by inhaling or smoking. She covers the benefits and disadvantages of this common method of consumption.
    • Cannabis Consumption Methods
      In this video, Ms. Montemayor discusses the additional methods of consuming cannabis: oral absorption, edibles / GI absorption, transdermals, and infused bath products. She also covers the form / method onset duration for each method.
    • Cannabinoids and Strains
      In this video, Martha Montemayor discusses cannabinoids and strains and if strains should be recommended to patients. She also discusses the importance of lab results and terpenes in the medical effect of the plant.
    • Cannabis Dosing and Titration
      In this video, Martha Montemayor recaps the routes of administration, covers starting doses for new cannabis patients and deciphering the proper dose. She also discusses signs of THC overdose and how it is best handled.
    • Patient Treatment
      In this video, Martha Montemayor discusses the four patient treatment plans: Prophylactic helps prevent problem from starting and building up strength; Daily Support; Acute or Episodic Relief; and Relaxation as stress relief is important to recovery.
  4. 04. Deciphering Lab Results & Reading Labels
    5 Lessons

    This course will explain how to read lab results relating to various product types. You will learn what to look for on the lab results and what red flags to avoid. Next, you will cover what components you should typically see on product labels for each type. Finally, you will learn how to confidently interpret the contents of various products and be able to explain them accurately to patients. After completing this course, you will be able to:
    • Identify the various components of lab results
    • Interpret the many aspects of cannabis product labels
    • Discuss and interpret test results directly from the laboratory
    Lessons included in this course:
    • Intro to Deciphering Lab Results and Reading Labels
      An introduction to deciphering lab results and reading labels.
    • Components of Lab Results
      In this video segment, Josh Wurzer discusses the components of lab testing. He provides a breakdown of the Certificate of Analysis (COA), including what to look for on the lab results and which components you should see on cannabis product labels.
    • Test Results
      In this video segment, Josh Wurzer discusses test results. This includes deciphering results directly from the laboratory, which include the nuances for each product type.
    • Types of Testing
      In this video segment, Josh Wurzer discusses lab testing and the active ingredients most important to consumers. These ingredients include cannabinoid and terpene profiles, as well as contaminant results for heavy metals, pesticides, residual solvents, and processing chemicals.
    • Interpreting Labels
      In this video segment, Josh Wurzer discusses interpreting the many aspects of cannabis product labels. This includes typical lab components such as quantity, potency level, input material, and extraction method.
  5. 05. Medical Cannabis Research
    6 Lessons

    In this course, you will explore a brief history about medical cannabis research, as well as cannabis related studies that further enhance the understanding of cannabinoid compounds for therapeutic benefit. Finally, you will explore future developments to further promote the safety and therapeutic value of medicinal cannabis. After completing this course, you will be able to:
    • Discuss the reliability of medical cannabis research to assess the safety and efficacy of cannabis as medicine
    • Examine evidence based medicine approaches that support the therapeutic use of cannabis
    • Recall state of the art research in cannabis compounds for treating various medical conditions
    • Review future developments into new ways to reshape the cannabis research landscape
    Lessons included in this course:
    • Intro to Medical Cannabis Research
      An introduction to medical cannabis research.
    • Does Reliable Cannabis Research Exist?
      In this video segment, Dr. McCue discusses why it is difficult to find good clinical medical cannabis research. He describes how reliable clinical research has been shackled by federal laws and regulations. In turn, nearly all research is done abroad, or published in obscure journals with limited peer review.
    • Evidence-Based Medicine and Meta-Analysis to the Rescue
      In this video segment, Dr. McCue discusses how evidence-based medicine merges scientific findings with clinicians’ best medical judgment based on their experience and what the patient is seeking from their medical care.
    • Limitations of EBM Analysis
      In this video segment, Dr. McCue talks about the inconsistent findings of cannabis-based studies, including limitations of randomized control trials in the field, and problems with measurement of dose and type of cannabinoids.
    • State of the Art Cannabis Research
      In this video segment, Dr. McCue explores state-of-the-art research in cannabis compounds for treating various medical conditions. He discusses clinical data and plausible mechanisms of action in the treatment of common evidence-based uses of cannabis.
    • Future Developments
      In this video segment, Dr. McCue discusses future developments in the broad field of cannabis research. This includes new, innovative ways to perform cannabis research, and the integration of patients' clinical experiences.
  6. 06. Pharmacokinetics & Pharmacodynamics of Cannabis
    13 Lessons

    This course highlights the pharmacology of cannabis, with more advanced concepts relevant to the role of cannabinoid receptors within the brain and their mechanism of action. You will gain up-to- date scientific foundation in a complex and evolving area of medicine; introducing the safety and efficacy of THC and CBD based on dosage, different consumption methods, potential side effects, and therapeutic application. Finally, the synergistic relationship between cannabinoids and terpenes in the treatment of medical conditions is also discussed. After completing this course, you will be able to:
    • Describe the pharmacological actions and therapeutic uses of cannabis and cannabinoids
    • Explore the pharmacodynamics of cannabis behind THC & CBD as a treatment for multiple conditions
    • Examine the pharmacokinetics of CBD and the significance of dosing and routes of administration
    • Discuss the synergistic relationship between cannabinoids and terpenes
    Lessons included in this course:
    • Intro to Pharmacokinetics & Pharmacodynamics of Cannabis
      An introduction to pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of cannabis.
    • What is Pharmacokinetics & Pharmacodynamics?
      In this video segment, Dr. Tagen talks about cannabis PK/PD; the relationship between dose and drug concentrations; and the relationship between drug concentrations and effect. Next, he discusses why PK/PD is complicated as it is used in many conditions with multiple routes of administration.
    • THC Pharmacodynamics
      In this video segment, Dr. Michael Tagen discusses how THC activates our main cannabinoid receptors CB1 and CB2 as a partial agonist. Next, he discusses how the distribution of CB1 explains diverse THC side effects depending on dose titration. Finally, THC pharmacodynamics in pain is discussed.
    • CBD Pharmacodynamics
      In this video segment, Dr. Michael Tagen explores CBD pharmacodynamics and how the diversity of the condition it may treat is due to complex pharmacology. Next, the direct and indirect effects of CBD and the CB1 receptor are discussed.
    • CBD & Anxiety
      In this video segment, Dr. Michael Tagen talks about CBD and anxiety. He explores anecdotal reports and animal model data that show robust effects in reduced anxiety levels for patient volunteers.
    • CBD & Psychosis
      In this video segment, Dr. Michael Tagen explores CBD and its potential for patients with psychosis. CBD is discussed as a promising therapeutic alternative for psychosis, as well as its effectiveness in treating schizophrenia and autism.
    • CBD & Inflammation
      In this video segment, Dr. Michael Tagen discusses the anti-inflammatory benefits of CBD, and the emergent therapeutic strategy for lessening the impact of inflammation on oxidative stress. The role of the endocannabinoid system and all the ways we can modulate it are also discussed.
    • CBD & Pain
      In this video segment, Dr. Michael Tagen discusses CBD and pain. This includes CBD's anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties that can help with pain conditions that might otherwise be treated with OTC drugs and opioid medications.
    • Interactions Between CBD & THC
      In this video segment, Dr. Michael Tagen talks about the interactions between CBD and THC. This set of drug interactions between components of the cannabis plant is further discussed as having the Entourage Effect. Finally, strong evidence suggests improved THC tolerability and improved efficacy relates to the synergistic activity between CBD and THC.
    • Cannabinoid Pharmacokinetics
      In this video segment, Dr. Michael Tagen explores cannabinoid pharmacokinetics. The pulmonary, gastrointestinal, and dermal categories of cannabis administration are discussed, as well as dose titration between inhaled methods and oral dosing.
    • Factors That Affect Oral Dosing
      In this video segment, Dr. Michael Tagen talks about factors that affect oral dosing. He describes how PK variability is high with oral dosing, as well as how the categories of metabolism, food affects, and formulation influence THC bioavailability and absorption rates.
    • Transdermal & Topical Dosing
      In this video segment, Dr. Michael Tagen talks about cannabinoid administration via skin. Transdermal formulations are intended to be absorbed systemically, whereas topical formulations are designed to treat skin conditions. Finally, the role for cannabinoids in a variety of inflammatory skin diseases is discussed.
    • Terpene Pharmacokinetics & Pharmacodynamics
      In this video segment, Dr. Michael Tagen explores terpene pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics. The caveats of terpenes are discussed, as well as their unique pharmacology compared to cannabinoids. Finally, the current research we have is largely anecdotal, and more clinical studies are needed to better understand the processing conditions that can affect terpene content.
  7. 07. Autoimmune Diseases, The Gut & CBD
    6 Lessons

    In this course, you will learn about autoimmune diseases covered under state medical cannabis regimes. Next, you will examine genetics, triggers and how the leaky gut contributes to autoimmune diseases. Finally, you will explore CBD and the mechanisms of action that affect autoimmune diseases, as well as, using cannabis to enhance the body’s own immune and anti-inflammatory response in the treatment of autoimmune disease. After completing this course, you will be able to:
    • Identify autoimmune diseases covered under state medical cannabis regimes
    • Examine genetics, triggers and how the leaky gut contributes to autoimmune diseases
    • Discuss CBD and the variety of mechanisms that influence autoimmune disease
    • Explore cannabinoids in the treatment of autoimmune disease
    Lessons included in this course:
    • Intro to Autoimmune Diseases, the Gut, and CBD
      An introduction to autoimmune diseases, the gut, and CBD.
    • What is Autoimmune Disease?
      This video defines autoimmune disease, both the known and unknown types of the disease. It further goes into how to detect and treat the disease.
    • A Trio of Causes
      This video goes over how to develop and treat autoimmune disease, as well as the three factors that impact disease.
    • CBD & Autoimmune Disease
      This video covers how CBD and THC are used to treat autoimmune disease.
    • CBD & Autoimmune Disease Treatment
      This video discusses how to use cannabis to treat autoimmune disease, as well as how to remove the triggers.
    • A Patient's Story
      This video covers the personal story regarding a registered nurse who has fibromyalgia and rheumatoid arthritis.
  8. 08. Cannabis Use in Psychiatry
    9 Lessons

    This course will familiarize you with cannabis and its implications for psychiatry. First, you will review the current evidence base between cannabis and mental health. Next, you will learn about the safety and efficacy of cannabis in treating physical and mental health conditions, as well as using cannabis as a substitute from addictive substances. Finally, you will explore scientific literature about the therapeutic value of cannabis and cannabinoids in the treatment of symptoms associated with autism, schizophrenia, and other psychotic disorders. After completing this course, you will be able to:
    • Discuss medical literature and statistical evidence between cannabis and mental health
    • Explore the safety and efficacy of cannabis in treating physical and mental health conditions
    • Analyze cannabis as a substitute for both prescription and other illicit drugs
    • Identify therapeutic benefits of cannabis use for symptoms associated with neurological disorders
    Lessons included in this course:
    • Intro to Cannabis Use in Psychiatry
      An introduction to cannabis use in psychiatry.
    • Medical Literature
      This video discusses the literature surrounding cannabis and its medical benefits. It also reviews all of the mental illnesses that currently impact Americans.
    • Safety Profile of Cannabis
      This video covers cannabis as a medication, and its safety.
    • Addiction Treatment
      This video covers addiction treatment and medical marijuana as an option for treating those addictions.
    • Alcohol vs Medical Marijuana
      This video discusses the effects of alcohol vs. medical marijuana.
    • Clinical Psychiatry News
      This video discusses how psychiatry views medical marijuana, and the changes in perceptions surrounding its therapeutic effects.
    • CBD to Treat Anxiety
      This video discusses the impact that CBD and THC have on improving anxiety issues.
    • Medical Conditions Causing Mental Disorders
      This video covers medical conditions that cause mental disorders, such as depression, anxiety, and sleep disorders.
    • Alzheimer's
      This video discusses Alzheimer's, and how the use of medical marijuana can be used to lessen the effects of some of the symptoms of this disease.
  9. 09. Cannabis, Pain & Narcotics
    6 Lessons

    This course is designed to have you think critically about the health effects of cannabis in the context of chronic pain and narcotic use. In this course, you will learn about the etiology of these conditions, the harm/benefits of current treatments, and how to evaluate the effects of cannabis for these conditions. Next, we will discuss special considerations for using cannabis for these conditions, such as dose, timing, side effects, and drug interactions between CBD and THC. After completing this course, you will be able to:
    • Examine the relationship between exo-cannabinoids and endocannabinoids
    • Review addiction prevention and using cannabis as a narcotic replacement
    • Explore addiction treatment options using CBD and THC to treat patients
    • Discover best practices for using cannabis in the treatment of chronic pain, mood disorders, and narcotic use
    Lessons included in this course:
    • Intro to Cannabis, Pain, and Narcotics
      An introduction to cannabis, pain, and narcotics.
    • A Brief Introduction to Cannabinoids and Endocannabinoids
      This video discusses the endocannabinoids system and how it interacts with our body.
    • Preventing Addiction
      This video covers how to prevent addiction when using narcotics for medical reasons.
    • Treating Addiction
      This video discusses how to treat addiction for those suffering from chronic pain who have turned to narcotics. It also discusses how to treat addiction for those who started using narcotics at a young age.
    • The Future of THCV
      This video covers the future of THCV and all of the helpful benefits that come along with it.
    • Bonus: How to Properly Use a Tincture
      This videos covers how to take a cannabis tincture.
  10. 10. Cannabis & Neurodegenerative Disorders
    8 Lessons

    The multiple actions of the endocannabinoid system and administered cannabinoids offer unique opportunities for the symptom management of patients with neurodegenerative disorders. In this course, you will learn about medicinal cannabis and the therapeutic value of cannabinoids in a number of neurological diseases. Next, you will examine important cannabis related studies that explore symptom control, as well as the beneficial effects of THC in the treatment of patients with Alzheimer's, Muscular Dystrophy, and other neurodegenerative disorders. After completing this course, you will be able to:
    • Examine benefits of medicinal cannabis in the treatment of patients with Neurodegenerative Disorders
    • Describe the endocannabinoid system as our most important neural and immune regulator system
    • Explore cannabinoid compounds and the therapeutic benefit for treating symptoms in neurologic diseases
    • Discuss research about the beneficial effects of THC for treating symptoms of the underlying disease
    Lessons included in this course:
    • Intro to Medical Cannabis and Neurodegenerative Disorders
      In this video segment, Jack D. McCue, MD FACP AGSF, introduces his course on Medical Cannabis and Neurodegenerative Disorders.
    • Beneficial Effects of Cannabinoids in Neurodegenerative Disorders
      In this video segment, Jack D. McCue covers the effects of cannabinoids in neurodegenerative disorders. He talks about how there are three major symptoms for people to gravitate to medical cannabis: behavioral symptoms, constitutional symptoms, global benefits. Neuroprotection is also a possible disease modification by cannabinoids in neurodegenerative disorders. The endocannabinoid system may be our most important neural and immune regulator system – a modulator system that prevents other basic processes from getting out of control through on-demand negative feedback.
    • Alzheimer's Disease
      In this video segment, Jack McCue talks about medical cannabis in regard to Alzheimer's Disease. Alzheimer's Disease has multifactorial risk factors, including genetics (primarily early-onset), environmental factors, trauma, and aging. In Alzheimer's research with animal models, studies have found: Cannabinoids are Anti-inflammatory & Reduce Mitochondrial Dysfunction and Oxidative Stress. There is also the Effect of Cannabinoids on Aβ & p-tau:
Biologic Plausibility.
    • Human Studies of Cannabis in Alzheimer's Disease
      In this video segment, Jack McCue breaks down the human studies of cannabis in Alzheimer's Disease. Some of the studies include autopsy studies that showed increased activity of the endocannabinoid system in AD patient brains at the sites responsible for memory loss and increased CB2 receptors in microglia at plaques.
    • Multiple Sclerosis
      In this video segment, Jack D. McCue covers how cannabis plays a role with multiple sclerosis. MS is pathologically defined as multiple scars or “plaques” in the brain and/or spinal cord. It was clinically recognized in the 14th century, but not codified into reliable clinical and pathologic criteria until 1868 when described by the prominent neurologist Charcot. Its criteria was updated in 2010 to incorporate MRI abnormalities.
    • Clinical Studies of Cannabinoids in MS
      In this video segment, Jack D. McCue breaks down the clinical studies of cannabinoids in multiple sclerosis.
    • Is Cannabis Neuroprotective in MS?
      In this video segment, Jack D. McCue answers if cannabis is neuroprotective in multiple sclerosis.
    • Other Neurodegenerative Disorders
      In this video segment, Jack D. McCue will talk about other neurodegenerative disorders where cannabis might be beneficial. The main two areas of concentration are ALS & Parkinson's Disease.
  11. 11. Cannabis for Elders - A Nurse's Perspective
    3 Lessons

      Lessons included in this course:
      • Intro to Cannabis for Elders - A Nurse's Perspective
        In this video segment, Amy Silverman gives a nurse's perspective regarding cannabis for elders. Amy became a cannabis nurse because it had helped her. After fighting an autoimmune disease, she used CBD to transform her life. She has seen how cannabis works, and that it can be a gateway to wellness.
      • A Patient's Story
        In this video segment, Amy Silverman tells a patient's story of using medical cannabis. Amy talks about an overly obese man who was in pain but stayed the course, lost weight, and is no longer a diabetic. Cannabis helps patients get their pain or ailments settled, which is the starting point. Then they can move forward with their plan of attack.
      • Examples from Clinical Experience
        In this video segment, Amy Silverman talks about clinical experiences of cannabis as a nurse. It is important to know about the obstacles of using medical cannabis versus the traditional health care system, which includes long-term help and hospitals. Many people dealing with pain typically rely on basic medicine and sometimes opioids. Amy helps patients see the benefits of using medical cannabis for their health issues.
    • 12. Cannabis for Elders - Age Related Diseases
      8 Lessons

      From 2008 to 2018, cannabis use among seniors increased by 250 percent. In this course, you will discuss the health effects of CBD and THC and how they influence age related diseases through modulating inflammation. Next, you will learn how cannabinoids affect neurodegenerative diseases in elders, as well as, the popular cannabis consumption methods to help manage symptoms of age related diseases. Finally, you will examine the patient experience and the most appropriate use of cannabis as a treatment for the aging population. After completing this course, you will be able to:
      • Identify CBD and THC as an adjunct therapy for elders
      • Review the best cannabis consumption methods for elders
      • Explore neurodegenerative disease among seniors
      • Examine the patient experience and the most appropriate use of cannabis as a treatment
      Lessons included in this course:
      • Intro to Cannabis for Elders - Age-Related Diseases
        An introduction to cannabis use among elderly patients and age-related diseases.
      • Using CBD
        In this video segment, Dr. Cohen expands upon how CBD can be used by elderly patients to treat neurodegenerative diseases. This video also gives an overview of how CBD works within the body and how it acts as a non-psychoactive alternative.
      • Using CBD with THC
        This video discusses the benefits of combining THC and CBD while also providing a scientific explanation of how they effect the body. Elderly patients can effectively use THC and CBD to treat chronic pain, anxiety, insomnia, and much more.
      • Benefits of CBD for Age-Related Disease
        This video shows that the benefits of CBD will increase when it is used in tandem with other cannabinoids and terpenes. When combined, they have been shown to treat anxiety, insomnia, and other ailments, while also maintaining anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory properties.
      • Delivery Methods
        This video discusses how different delivery methods can impact a cannabis user's experience. In addition, this video discusses the pros and cons of several delivery methods including: topicals, smoking, concentrates, intra-oral, ingestible, and transdermal.
      • Osteoarthritis & Degenerative Disease
        This video discusses two main age-related diseases, osteoarthritis and neurodegenerative disease, which are both related to inflammation. This video also discusses sources of inflammation, how it manifests in the body, and how it can be treated with CBD.
      • Neurodegenerative Disease
        This video discusses neurodegenerative diseases that are common among elderly patients and include ailments such as Parkinson’s, multiple sclerosis, ALS, dementia, and Alzheimer’s. In addition, this video discusses why CBD and THC are promising potential treatments for neurodegenerative disorders.
      • The Patient Experience
        This video discusses several ways medical professionals can manage their patients' experiences with age-related diseases and cannabis usage. This includes identifying important issues such as their history of cannabis use, current methods of use, frequency, timing, dosage, and tolerance.
    • 13. Cannabis and Cancer
      8 Lessons

      The Cannabis and Cancer course is designed to have you think critically about the health effects of cannabis in the prevention of cancer. In this course, you will learn about the etiology of these conditions, the harm/benefits of current treatments, and how to evaluate the effects of cannabis for cancer treatment. Next, we will discuss special considerations for using cannabis for these conditions, such as dose, timing, side effects, as well as, the interaction between CBD, anandamide and cancer. After completing this course, you will be able to:
      • Examine the health effects of cannabinoids on cancer
      • Review the treatment and prevention of cancer related symptoms
      • Explore questions and answers about using cannabis and CBD
      • Discover best practices for the treatment of chronic pain and cancer
      Lessons included in this course:
      • Intro to Cannabis and Cancer
        This video is an introduction to the course on cannabis and cancer.
      • Prevention of Cancer
        This video discusses how cannabis products can be used to prevent the formation of cancer cells. While future studies will need to be performed for confirmation, cannabis products have been shown to help prevent ailments related to coronary circulation, cerebral circulation, stroke, and heart attack.
      • Treatment of Cancer-Related Symptoms
        This video discusses how cannabis products can lessen the side effects related to cancer treatments. The video also highlights several developments in this field, including how CBD has been found to prevent neuropathy from neurotoxic chemotherapy.
      • New Area of Study?
        This video discusses multiple studies that highlight how cancer can be treated and managed with the help of cannabis. There is even evidence that suggests ancient civilizations used cannabis as a cancer treatment.
      • Dosing
        This video discusses common questions regarding cannabis dosing and cancer treatments. In addition, it discusses current studies that are examining which dosing levels are the most effective for cancer patients.
      • What About Rectal or Vaginal Therapy?
        This video discusses possible therapies that can benefit from cannabis. The video also discusses scholarly studies regarding bioavailability, excipients, and absorption rates.
      • The Connection Between CBD, Anandamide, and Cancer
        This video highlights the dynamic relationship that exists between CBD, anandamide, and cancer. It also discusses how these molecules influence chemical changes within the body.
      • What Does the Future Hold for Cannabis & Treatment of Cancer?
        This video discusses the future that awaits cannabis and cancer treatments. It also discusses the need for double-blind studies, clinical trials, observational studies, and placebo-controlled studies.
    • 14. Regulations & Legal Matters for Medical Professionals
      7 Lessons

      In this course, we will provide an overview of what the federal and state policies are on cannabis, explain how it differs for cannabis versus hemp, as well as, what the overall international landscape looks like from a high level. Next, we will discuss what medical professionals, cannabis professionals and patients need to know about cannabis from a legal and regulatory perspective. After completing this course, you will be able to:
      • Define state regulations you must follow
      • Differentiate cannabis versus hemp from a legal and regulatory standpoint
      • Navigate the international landscape of cannabis regulations
      • Understand what medical professionals need to know about cannabis
      Lessons included in this course:
      • Intro to Regulations and Legal Matters for Medical Professionals
        An introduction to cannabis regulations and legal matters for medical professionals.
      • Cannabis and the Federal Government
        This video provides context on federal regulations and laws regarding cannabis. In this course, learners will gain a better understanding of the States Act, the 2014 Farm Bill, the 2018 Farm Bill, and much more.
      • Understanding State Regulations
        This video discusses the complicated legal landscape of cannabis regulations at the state level. Many states have a unique licensing structure and have different requirements for patient-facing entities. While cannabis is entirely illegal in some states, there are an increasing number of states that are permitting adult use.
      • International Landscape
        This video discusses the international landscape of cannabis regulations and laws. In recent years, there have been many developments in regions such as Europe, Latin America, Asia, and North America. Within this course, learners will examine these developments, international treaties, the World Health Organization, and much more.
      • What Medical Professionals Need to Know
        This video discusses liability risks that medical professionals should be aware of before recommending THC-based cannabis to patients. This video provides an overview of THC, how it will impact the body, potential drug interactions, state guidelines, informed consent, and much more.
      • What Cannabis Professionals Need to Know
        This video details legal issues that cannabis professionals must be aware of before selling retail products. It discusses the roles of retail staff, budtenders, and delivery drivers who must have an understanding of these legal matters when performing their jobs. In addition, this video reviews standards of care, common patient complaints, training programs, product education, and more.
      • Legal Matters for Patients
        This video discusses the legal issues that patients should understand before interacting with cannabis products. This video also examines access to medical cannabis, shipping, traveling, firearm eligibility, drug testing, state medical programs, and much more.

    What will be covered

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    Who can benefit from taking this program?


    Learn the facts about cannabis medicine so you can incorporate it into your practice.


    Help your patients find relief without resorting to prescription drugs.


    Give your students a clear understanding of the ways cannabis interacts with the body.

    Meet your instructors - industry experts

    Dr. Michael Tagen
    Cannabis Pharmacology Expert
    Dr. Joseph Morgan
    Cannabis Expert
    Martha 'Muffy' Montemayor, CNC
    Founder, Healthy Choices Unlimited
    Dr. Jose Franceschini
    Cannabis Expert
    Dr. Jack McCue
    Cannabis Expert
    Dr. Allan I. Frankel
    Cannabis Expert
    Amy Silverman, RN
    Cannabis Expert
    Joseph Cohen, DO
    Holos Health, Boulder, CO

      It helped me tremendously to expand my knowledge of the Cannabis world and increase my professional exposure. It was one of the best choices I ever made for my career. Thank you Green Flower.

      Dr. Pierre Milot

      Green Flower is a wonderful tool that has helped us gain a much deeper understanding of the history, science, and benefits of cannabis as a medicine. Highly recommended for both individuals and teams looking for the highest quality cannabis education and training!

      Gregg Steinberg, CEO, Growcentia

      The program helped validate my knowledge and enhanced my credentials as an advocate and educator.

      Irene Donohue

    Medical Applications of Cannabis Certificate Program

    You have 365 days to complete this program

    $297.00 (USD)

    • Average time of course: 10 - 15 hours
    • Time to complete course: 365 days
    • Extensions available if needed
    • 100% online. Learn anywhere!


    Are there any prerequisites?
    No. This program is available to anyone.
    What's included with this program?
    Online courses comprised of engaging videos and written materials, knowledge checks at the end of every module to assimilate your learning, private forum for students to connect and provide support, downloadable references to keep and access on your phone, and your official Green Flower Certificate (once you pass the exam).
    Can I take the program online?
    Yes. Green Flower Programs are 100% online and can be taken from anywhere in the world.
    Who should get a Green Flower certificate? What will it do for me?
    Whether you are looking to enter the cannabis industry, get hired by a cannabis company, invest in the cannabis market, win a cannabis license, become a more knowledgeable advocate, better serve the patients in your care, or contribute more deeply to your organization, getting a Green Flower Certificate will make you exponentially more confident, credible, and valuable to the cannabis industry today.
    How do I pass the course?
    You'll need to achieve a grade of 80% on the Final Exam to pass the course and receive your Green Flower Cannabis Fundamentals Certificate.
    What can you tell me about the final exam?
    The Green Flower Cannabis Fundamentals Exam is a comprehensive multiple choice exam administered online. A grade of 80% is required to pass. Enrollment allows two attempts to achieve a passing score. You will have 365 days to complete both the program and the final Exam. After 365 days, you will no longer have access to the program or testing materials. This is a closed book Exam. Upon Passing, you will receive your official Green Flower Cannabis Fundamentals Certificate to hang on your wall and use for credibility and trust in the Industry.
    What happens if I don't pass the exam?
    You will have two chances to pass the final exam with enrollment. Retakes are $69 after that. You must achieve an 80% passing score to receive your Green Flower Certificate.
    Is your program accredited?
    No, Green Flower is not an accredited school and doesn't plan to be. We produce trusted cannabis education led and validated by the world's top experts, and our programs are utilized by companies, associations, nonprofits, and governments around the world.
    Will there be any mailed, hard copy books or reference materials?
    No, nothing will be mailed and no hard copy text will be assigned. There are materials in each course that you can download, print, and use at your convenience.
    Can any module be visited more than once, to reinforce learning?
    Absolutely! You can review any and all materials as many times as you would like in the 365 days (30 for Sell-SMaRT) your program is open.
    Refund Policy
    We understand that sometimes plans change. If you can no longer take the course, please email us no later than 7 days after your purchase. We will be happy to issue you a refund (minus our enrollment fee of $20). No refunds will be given to cancellations made after 7 days of purchase.

    © Green Flower 2021. All Rights Reserved.